Troubleshooting Checklisk

Discover the problem
  • Record error messages
  • Review logs
  • Record information about the system state
  • Record information about the system configuration
  • Look for related activities within an application or on the network
  • Look for patterns based on the time that the problem occurs if the problem is recurring
  • Under what conditions does the problem occur?
  • What happened just before the problem occurred?
  • Which aspects of the operating system control these conditions
  • What applications or subsystems does the problem seem related to?
Explore the conditions
  • Identify hardware or software that has recently changed on the system.
  • Identify the relationship between network activities and scheduled tasks that seem to coincide with the occurrence of the problem
  • Determine whether the problem is related to security configuration
  • Compare the system state and configuration with reference system
  • Generate performace data by using the performance console or benchmark programs.
  • Any new install hardware/Firmware/ Software
  • Does this application or hardware work correctly on another computer/ in the past? if so what is the different on that computer?
  • What actions were tried for this or similar problem in the past?
  • Is this a known issue for which a solution or workaround exists? What were the results?
Carry out the approach most likely to be successful
  • Document your changes. If the changes do not resolve the problem, revert the charge before trying another approach.
  • Shutdown unused applications or services.
  • Temporarily disable or remove unneeded hardware
  • Use recovery options such as Safe mode, Last Known Good Configuration start up option and rolling back drivers.
